We believe in the narrative power of human life.

Human Humans is an independent, global entertainment studio.

WOmEN'S perSpEctIVeS

Women’s Perspectives is a podcast in which host Farida Khelfa celebrates female strength. 


A feature documentary about Kit, a self-trained chef who opened his sushi restaurant in his dorm-room.


A documentary series about Grammy-award winning pianist Chilly Gonzales and his unique approach to music.


60 French chefs share their favourite hangover stories and the recipe that helped them ease the pain in this anthology cookbook.


An intimate look at what French chefs cook at home, in 60 never-seen-before recipes.

cookINg For A cAUSe

Stories of a new generation of chefs on a quest to change the world through food.

MiSSiON to cHAngE

A series from the INSEAD business school and Human Humans, about transforming businesses to create positive change.